Page 17 - Pim Mühendislik
P. 17

2015/07                                                       REFERANSLAR

                           DİLOVASI, İZMİT / TURKEY                                                 REFERENCES

             SİLVAN SANAYİ A.Ş.  /  Silvan Sanayi A.Ş.

             Employer                        : Silvan Sanayi A.Ş.
             Total Construction Area         : 3.500 m² Office Building + 31.633 m  Factory Building
             Information about the facility   : Izmit Steel Foundry and Metal Processing Manifacturing and
                                               Office Electrical&Mechanical Works
             Electrical & Mechanical Works totally  : 20.149.000,00 TL
             Cost of Mechanical Works        : 9.032.239,00 TL
             Electrical Works                : 11.116.531,00 TL
             Mechanical Works Manpower       : 70.400 man hours
             Electrical Works Manpower       : 95.220 man hours
             Scope of the Mechanical Work    : HVAC System, Compressed Air System, Plumbing Systems, Fire & Siesmic
                                               Protection Systems, Building Management Systems
             Scope of the Electrical Work    : MV Switchgears & Transformers, LV Power Distribution System, Lighting
                                               Distribution System, Socket & Small Power Distribution System, Earthling and
                                               Lightning, LV Panel boards, Fire Alarm Distribution Systems, Telephone &
                                               Data Distribution Systems, SMATV Systems Public Address Systems, CCTV
                                               Systems, Access Control Systems, Lighting Automation Systems.
             Electrical Loads                : Connected Total Load 32 MVA, 4x2,5=10 MVA (Conventional load),
                                               7,5+2x(5,5)+2+1,5 MVA (Induction load).

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