Page 13 - Pim Mühendislik
P. 13
CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS As regards their employee’s rights, they shall not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion,
Pim Mühendislik is a member of MTMD political views, philosophical beliefs or religious
They shall abide by the code of honour, integrity and RESPECTING THE LAW
high ethics. They shall not participate in any corrupt In all their dealings, Members shall respect the legal
practices, they shall not support corrupt practices or order and abide by the laws of our country and of the
condone them. They shall not engage in bribery for the countries in which they operate. They shall not engage
purpose of profit or gain. They shall not accept unfair in illegal or criminal activities. They shun methods and
competition. practices that would violate professional and social
They shall not act in a manner such as to shake CITIZENS’ RESPONSIBILITY
confidence, or bring into disrepute their persons and They shall pay their taxes on time. They shall fulfill the
their firms. They shall assume responsibility for and shall needs of social responsibility.
not fail to execute their products and services. They
ensure the safety and confidentiality of their employees’ PURSUING THE BEST
personal information. They shall make sure that their decisions have a positive
impact on local economies. They shall ensure that
LIVING UP TO PROMISES squandering of national resources and impoverishment
They shall take care to fulfill their promises. They shall of the country are prevented. They shall provide
pay the debts which they have undertaken, in timely resources for social services and for infrastructure.
fashion and in full.
LOYALTY They shall not stray from the basic principle of openness
They shall not attempt to obtain any information that in their bids and contract negotiations. They shall
should remain confidential and use it to further their prioritize the principle of transparency in agreements
own interests. They shall be mindful of company with public and private enterprises and shall be
confidentiality and they shall not use the confidential accountable for all kinds of operations.
information of their former company even if they have
broken ties with the said company. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS
They shall make any and all sacrifices for the
BEING FAIR preservation of the environment. They shall strive for the
They shall not suffer demands directed at their persons propagation of environmental consciousness.
for unjust benefits, shall not engage in intercession, does
not demand intercession and shall refuse such proposals MEMBER’S RESPONSIBILITY
directed at their persons. They shall conduct themselves They shall not engage in unjustified conduct in front of
in a fashion that is in keeping with high ethics. the public with respect to the association. They may not
perform actions or transactions which are in violation of
PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS the association bylaws and which bring into disrepute
In their relationships with their employees, they shall the association. n
demonstrate honesty, fair management, equality and
respect in their persons and provide a safe working, nor
shall they force people to engage in illegal activities.