Page 75 - Pim Mühendislik
P. 75

               2004/08                                                            REFERANSLAR

                    ÇERKEZKÖY, TEKİRDAĞ / TURKEY                                                    REFERENCES

             ÇERKEZKÖY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE  /  Çerkezköy Chamber of Commerce

             Employer                        : Çerkezköy Chamber  of Commerce
             Total Construction Area         : 2.200 m²
             Information about the facility   : Chamber of Commerce building in Çerkezköy, Tekirdağ / Turkey
             Cost of Electromechanical Works   : 410.000 USD
             Electromechanical Works Manpower  : 13.200 man hour
                                              All Building internal & external Electromechanical Works
             Scope of the Electromechanical Work  : Ventilation and  A/C system, Sanitary system, Lighting, Power Distrubition,
                                               Data & Phone, CCTV System, Earthing & Lighting Protection System, Engineering,
                                               Project  Materials Approvel & Procurement, Construction, TAB, Commissioning,
                                               Handover and Operation Services.

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